
Support function – little helpers in everyday life

Inheritance diagram of


array_whereequal(a, x) Reliable comparison for numpy.ndarray
copy(x) Shallow copy operation on arbitrary Python objects.
deepcopy(x[, memo, _nil]) Deep copy operation on arbitrary Python objects.
get_break_points(items[, contiguous]) Return a list of break points.
get_limit_filter(limit, collection) Create a filter array from a limit definition.
get_nelements_per_value(data) Returns the number of elements per unique value of some sequence.
get_rng([r]) Return instantiated numpy.random.RandomState given r.
idhash(val) Craft unique id+hash for an object
indent_doc(v) Given a value returns a string where each line is indented
is_in_volume(coord, shape) For given coord check if it is within a specified volume size.
is_sequence_type isSequenceType(a) – Return True if a has a sequence type, False otherwise.
is_sorted(items) Check if listed items are in sorted order.
mask2slice(mask) Convert a boolean mask vector into an equivalent slice (if possible).
ncombinations(n, k) A fast way to calculate binomial coefficients by Andrew Dalke
pathjoin(a, \*p) Join two or more pathname components, inserting ‘/’ as needed.
reuse_absolute_path(file1, file2[, force]) Use path to file1 as the path to file2 is no absolute
rfe_history_to_maps(history) Convert history generated by RFE into the array of binary maps
transform_with_boxcar(data, startpoints, ...) This function extracts boxcar windows from an array.
unique_combinations(L, n[, sort]) Return unique combinations form a list L of objects in groups of size n.
value2idx(val, x[, solv]) Convert a value into an index of the closes matching array element.
version_to_tuple(v) Convert literal string into a tuple, if possible of ints
xrandom_iterprod(n, \*seq) Generate n random iterprod’s from given sequences
xrandom_unique_combinations(L, n[, k]) Generator of unique combinations form a list L of objects in
xunique_combinations(L, n) Generator of unique combinations form a list L of objects in groups of size n.


Event(\*\*kwargs) Simple class to define properties of an event.
MapOverlap([overlap_threshold]) Compute some overlap stats from a sequence of binary maps.
SmartVersion([vstring]) A bit evolved comparison of versions
Version([vstring]) Abstract base class for version numbering classes.
product product(*iterables) –> product object