Some little helper for reading (and writing) common formats from and to disk.

Inheritance diagram of


design2labels(columndata[, baseline_label, func]) Helper to convert design matrix into a list of labels
enhanced_doc_string(item, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Generate enhanced doc strings for various items.
labels2chunks(labels[, method, ignore_labels]) Automagically decide on chunks based on labels
safe_write(fnout, s[, mode]) Helper to write to a file and check result file size to match
sub(pattern, repl, string[, count, flags]) Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of the pattern in string by the replacement repl.


ColumnData(source[, header, sep, headersep, ...]) Read data that is stored in columns of text files.
DataReader() Base class for data readers.
Event(\*\*kwargs) Simple class to define properties of an event.
SampleAttributes(source[, literallabels, header]) Read and write PyMVPA sample attribute definitions from and to text files.
SensorLocations(\*args, \*\*kwargs) Base class for sensor location readers.
TuebingenMEGSensorLocations(source) Read sensor location definitions from a specific text file format.
XAVRSensorLocations(source) Read sensor location definitions from a specific text file format.