

Load and return the diabetes dataset (regression).

Samples total 442
Dimensionality 10
Features real, -.2 < x < .2
Targets integer 25 - 346

Read more in the User Guide.


return_X_y : boolean, default=False.

If True, returns (data, target) instead of a Bunch object. See below for more information about the data and target object.

New in version 0.18.


data : Bunch

Dictionary-like object, the interesting attributes are: ‘data’, the data to learn and ‘target’, the regression target for each sample.

(data, target) : tuple if return_X_y is True

New in version 0.18.


This function has been auto-generated by wrapping load_diabetes() from the sklearn package. The documentation of this function has been kept verbatim. Consequently, the actual return value is not as described in the documentation, but the data is returned as a PyMVPA dataset.