Searchlight-based hyperalignment

Doi (\*args, \*\*kwargs) |
Perform no good and no bad |
compute_feature_scores (datasets[, ...]) |
Takes a list of datasets and computes a magical feature |
expand_contraint_spec (spec) |
Helper to translate literal contraint specs into functional ones |
h5load (filename[, name]) |
Loads the content of an HDF5 file that has been stored by h5save() . |
h5save (filename, data[, name, mode, mkdir]) |
Stores arbitrary data in an HDF5 file. |
is_datasetlike (obj) |
Check if an object looks like a Dataset. |
mktemp ([suffix, prefix, dir]) |
User-callable function to return a unique temporary file name. |
AltConstraints (\*constraints) |
Logical OR for constraints. |
ClassWithCollections ([descr]) |
Base class for objects which contain any known collection |
Constraint |
Base class for input value conversion/validation. |
Constraints (\*constraints) |
Logical AND for constraints. |
EnsureBool |
Ensure that an input is a bool. |
EnsureChoice (\*values) |
Ensure an input is element of a set of possible values |
EnsureDType (dtype) |
Ensure that an input (or several inputs) are of a particular data type. |
EnsureFloat () |
Ensure that an input (or several inputs) are of a data type ‘float’. |
EnsureInt () |
Ensure that an input (or several inputs) are of a data type ‘int’. |
EnsureListOf (dtype) |
Ensure that an input is a list of a particular data type |
EnsureNone |
Ensure an input is of value None |
EnsureRange ([min, max]) |
Ensure an input is within a particular range |
EnsureStr |
Ensure an input is a string. |
EnsureTupleOf (dtype) |
Ensure that an input is a tuple of a particular data type |
FeatureSelectionHyperalignment ([ref_ds, ...]) |
A helper which brings feature selection and hyperalignment in a single call |
FixedNElementTailSelector (nelements, \*\*kwargs) |
Given a sequence, provide set of IDs for a fixed number of to be selected elements. |
Hyperalignment (\*\*kwargs) |
Align the features across multiple datasets into a common feature space. |
IndexQueryEngine ([sorted]) |
Provides efficient query engine for discrete spaces. |
Parameter (default[, constraints, ro, index, ...]) |
This class shall serve as a representation of a parameter. |
ProgressBar ([start_time, ...]) |
Simple progress bar in ASCII text |
SearchlightHyperalignment (\*\*kwargs) |
Given a list of datasets, provide a list of mappers into common space using searchlight based hyperalignment. |
Sphere (radius[, element_sizes, distance_func]) |
N-Dimensional hypersphere. |
StaticProjectionMapper (proj[, recon]) |
Mapper to project data onto arbitrary space using transformation given as input. |
SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine (voxsel[, space, ...]) |
Query-engine that maps center nodes to indices of features (voxels) that are near each center node. |
coo_matrix (arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) |
A sparse matrix in COOrdinate format. |
csc_matrix (arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) |
Compressed Sparse Column matrix |
AltConstraints (\*constraints) |
Logical OR for constraints. |
ClassWithCollections ([descr]) |
Base class for objects which contain any known collection |
Constraint |
Base class for input value conversion/validation. |
Constraints (\*constraints) |
Logical AND for constraints. |
EnsureBool |
Ensure that an input is a bool. |
EnsureChoice (\*values) |
Ensure an input is element of a set of possible values |
EnsureDType (dtype) |
Ensure that an input (or several inputs) are of a particular data type. |
EnsureFloat () |
Ensure that an input (or several inputs) are of a data type ‘float’. |
EnsureInt () |
Ensure that an input (or several inputs) are of a data type ‘int’. |
EnsureListOf (dtype) |
Ensure that an input is a list of a particular data type |
EnsureNone |
Ensure an input is of value None |
EnsureRange ([min, max]) |
Ensure an input is within a particular range |
EnsureStr |
Ensure an input is a string. |
EnsureTupleOf (dtype) |
Ensure that an input is a tuple of a particular data type |
FeatureSelectionHyperalignment ([ref_ds, ...]) |
A helper which brings feature selection and hyperalignment in a single call |
FixedNElementTailSelector (nelements, \*\*kwargs) |
Given a sequence, provide set of IDs for a fixed number of to be selected elements. |
Hyperalignment (\*\*kwargs) |
Align the features across multiple datasets into a common feature space. |
IndexQueryEngine ([sorted]) |
Provides efficient query engine for discrete spaces. |
Parameter (default[, constraints, ro, index, ...]) |
This class shall serve as a representation of a parameter. |
ProgressBar ([start_time, ...]) |
Simple progress bar in ASCII text |
SearchlightHyperalignment (\*\*kwargs) |
Given a list of datasets, provide a list of mappers into common space using searchlight based hyperalignment. |
Sphere (radius[, element_sizes, distance_func]) |
N-Dimensional hypersphere. |
StaticProjectionMapper (proj[, recon]) |
Mapper to project data onto arbitrary space using transformation given as input. |
SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine (voxsel[, space, ...]) |
Query-engine that maps center nodes to indices of features (voxels) that are near each center node. |
coo_matrix (arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) |
A sparse matrix in COOrdinate format. |
csc_matrix (arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) |
Compressed Sparse Column matrix |